Qigong is a way life that combines the spirit, the physical body, and the breath, trained under the direction of consciousness. It functions as health maintenance, intellectual and life development, and physical strength training. The training involves gesturing, relaxation, mental concentration, a deeply concentrated, peaceful mind, breath control, movement of the limbs, and massotherapy.
“adjusting breathing should be adjusting true breath. The true breath is the fetus’ breath. The fetus does not inhale and exhale in the womb, but the Qi is still circulating by itself. Doing exercise for long life, the breathing should be gentle and continuous, just as fetus’s breathe in the womb”
Practicing Qigong has an all-around effect on all the organs and systems of the human body. It is also an important way of strengthening one’s fitness and preventing disease. It has a curative effect on high blood pressure ( hypertension), neurasthenia, heart disease, ulcer disease, tuberculosis, asthma, chronic hepatitis, and other chronic disease.
The effects of qigong are:
- Strengthens the functioning of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and it will have an
excellent effect on protecting the health of the whole body.
-Good cardiovascular system and strengthen the contraction of the heart muscles and increases the output capacity of every heartbeat.
-Promoting physical fitness and stabilizing the blood pressure
-Decrease the content of cholesterol in blood (experimented)
-Improve the metabolic activity of tissue cells, especially the ability of anabolic metabolism and consequently increase ability to resist degeneration, sclerosis, and death.
-Prevent and treat some afflictions of the digestive system, which result from functional disturbance of the nervous system.
The most is, Qigong also effects on disposition. Qigong can make less easily upset by daily events that would previously have made anger. Qigong can make people feel calm and they feel more able to handle stressful situations.
As a Muslims, we also can apply “Zikir” while practicing Qigong and this will be more effective.
kin, qigong ni aku tgk ok gak arr.. tapi ader satu minah komplen kat aku kata macam x leh pcayer jer bnda cam tu.ala macm guna "ilmu" lah..
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so wat say u, fren??